Feeding Dreams Cambodia

Change a Life

Feeding Dreams Child Sponsorship Program

For a small monthly amount that is less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day, you can connect with an individual child and help them rise out of poverty. You will be provided with a full profile and regular updates on your child’s progress.

With over 800 impoverished children and youth enrolled in our Education and Welfare Programs, we rely on our Child Sponsorship and Education Sponsorship Programs to keep our classes running.

Each child attends their local Khmer school for only a few hours a day and is provided with very basic formal schooling. This alone is not enough to break through the poverty cycle. Government teachers are often underpaid and will offer extra lessons which requires extra payments from the students. Other payments are required to sit exams, to park their bikes or for extra snacks. The underprivileged cannot afford these payments and quite often get left behind and drop out of school early to earn a minimal living collecting rubbish, thereby repeating the poverty cycle of their parents. YOU CAN CHANGE A LIFE TODAY. Break the cycle and sponsor an individual child for only US$50 / AU$80 / GBP£40 / CAD$65 per month (tax deductible) and you will allow Feeding Dreams Cambodia to offer each child:

⦁ Assessment. A member of our dedicated team of social workers assesses the needs and challenges of each family of sponsored children, creating an action plan to address the identified issues and support needed by the family through every step of the way.

• Financial assistance for public schooling costs, welfare services provided to them and their family to keep them in the education system, along with all costs associated with attending Feeding Dreams.

• Community support. Our Community Support department assists with many family issues such as accessing vital identity papers, bikes for students to get to and from school, school uniforms and ongoing medical prevention such as immunisation and worming.

• Your kind donation helps assist your sponsored child and their family access extra education needs they could otherwise not afford.

• Family assistance with housing and job opportunities

⦁ English language lessons, allowing access to a huge range of employment opportunities inaccessible to non-English speaking Cambodians. English is not taught in the public school system.

⦁ Computer lessons. As the children of impoverished families, your sponsorship provides their only access to computers and the vital skills fundamental to good jobs in a modernising economy. In the public Cambodian school system, young children have no access to computers at all.

⦁ Daily meal and clean water. It’s hard to study when you’re hungry, or ill from malnutrition and waterborne diseases. Around 30% of local impoverished children are underweight, and 45% stunted due to nutritional deficiencies. Your generous sponsorship ensures access to filtered water and a nutritious meal every day at Feeding Dreams.

⦁ Accredited Maths, and Morality, Health, and Hygiene lessons. Essential education in work and life skills. Enabling students to understand their basic human rights, helping them recognise and avoid violence, exploitation and trafficking.

⦁ Art and Sport. Organised sports and art allow for the development of self-expression, critical and creative thinking skills, teamwork, and motivates students to enjoy learning. The public school system does not provide any form of sport or physical education for children in the curriculum.

⦁ First aid treatment and medical support. All students have access to lifesaving support for problems that would likely otherwise go untreated.

Feeding Dreams Child Sponsorship Program Success Stories

For more than 10 years, our Feeding Dreams Child Sponsorship Program has been a beacon of hope, empowering thousands of children and their families to break free from poverty and unimaginable living conditions.

Through our sponsorship program, compassionate sponsors from around the world have formed life-changing connections with vulnerable children, providing:

– Essential support for education and daily needs
– Funding for home improvements, ensuring safe and dignified living
– Internship and university opportunities, fostering career growth
– And much more!

Thanks to our dedicated sponsors, countless children have:
Gained access to quality education and healthcare,  Experienced improved living conditions and nutrition, Developed skills and confidence for a brighter future, Broken cycles of poverty, creating a better tomorrow.
Meet PO Sreypich!

We have no way of changing the past, but we can change the future for our dedicated students!

Meet PO Sreypich! Sreypich comes from a desperately poor family, living with 9 other family members including several younger siblings on the public roadside in Tavien village where located 5 minutes from Feeding Dreams Cambodia.

(Sreypich, standing second from the left with stripe shirt)


This bright young woman dreamed of changing her life. She came to Feeding Dreams to supplement the very basic education she was receiving in public school. Attending Feeding Dreams allowed her to study and advance English, learn computer skills which helped her successfully earn a high school and university scholarship. She worked really hard and was the top of her class both in her Khmer public school and at Feeding Dreams.

She received a bachelor degree in Sales and Marketing from University, and now has a good position and benefits working for a private real estate company in Siem Reap.

We are so proud of Sreypich’s accomplishments, especially in how she has managed to break the cycle of poverty in her family. She is the main income earner in her family of many members, is the only person in the family that gain higher education and being the role model for her little family members, who are all attending at Feeding Dreams these days.

By becoming a sponsor, you can help to significantly increase the odds of breaking the cycle of poverty for other deserving families. https://www.feedingdreamscambodia.ngo/sponsor-a-child/

Sreypich and her proud mother picture above.
Sreypich at her desk at work picture below

Meet Sophal!
We have no way of changing the past, but we can change the future for our dedicated students!

Sophal joined the educational program at Feeding Dreams Cambodia (FDC) in 2014 when she was just 10 years old. Like almost all of our students, she came highly motivated and appreciative of everything Feeding Dreams offered, which has been life-changing for her. Sophal comes from a vulnerable family living just 10 minutes away from FDC. She is the oldest of three children, and like many others in her village, her parents cannot afford the cost of schooling for their children. Becoming a sponsor can provide opportunities for children in similar circumstances to Sophal. Today, Sophal has transformed from a little girl who was once an FDC student into one of FDC’s valued elementary school teachers. Through her hard work and dedication, she has achieved what would have been nearly impossible given her family circumstances. Sophal loves her job and is uniquely suited to understand and help young students, just as she was helped by others at Feeding Dreams. She is a perfect role model for the young people in her village, showing them how their lives can improve and how they can live their dreams.

A Feeding  Dreams sponsorship is a wonderful way to help a deserving young person get a head start and for you to feel you are making a meaningful difference! Sophal works at Feeding Dreams during the day and attends university at night to become an architect. She’s thrilled, and in 2 years, she will achieve her dreams. We thank you for your support, which empowers Sophal and challenges the societal custom in Cambodia that often requires the oldest daughter to sacrifice her education to support her family with various work within and outside the home. By helping Sophal, you are not only changing her life but also inspiring a change in societal expectations and empowering future generations. Feeding Dreams is proud to share this news and photos of Sophal, both from before and now, with more updates to come in the near future! Thank you, Josh

Children Awaiting Sponsorship

Our personal and unique, child sponsorship program changes the lives of our children and their families living in poverty. Incredibly, just a few dollars a day is all that it takes to change the life of a child.  Have you, your friend or your family considered sponsoring a child or know someone that can ? These children and their families are often unable to feed themselves daily, unable to pay for their schooling & day by day to survive.

Without help, these children and many more will not have the opportunity to gain a good education and escape from the shocking cycle of poverty.  Child Sponsorship lifts a vulnerable child out of poverty and enables us to create a future community leader. You can transform the life of a child living in poverty, ensure they get the education they deserve and help their family too. Feeding Dreams Cambodia currently has the following children in need of a big-hearted and generous sponsor for sponsorship.

Sponsoring a child at Feeding Dreams Cambodia is simple.  If you are happy for our Community Support Team to select a child for you to sponsor, please contact us community@feedingdreamscambodia.ngo or review just some of the children below in need of sponsorship.

Once you have chosen a child to sponsor, Click on the Sponsor This Child and complete the simple form with the child’s name or you can email our Feeding Dreams Social Workers within our Community Support Department community@feedingdreamscambodia.ngo and let us know the name of the child you wish to sponsor. We will then forward back to your child’s personal profile story and details on how to commence your sponsorship.

Alternatively, email us using our contact form on our web site:  https://www.feedingdreamscambodia.ngo/contact-us/ Or private Facebook message us via our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/feedingdreamscambodia

Like to know more or have questions, contact us https://www.feedingdreamscambodia.ngo/contact-us/

Let Us Select A Child For You

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Soy Bunly (11 years Old)

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Lay Sivluy - 9 years old

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Pov​ Sreyroth – 11 years old

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Do ChhunEy (11 years Old)

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Soksamady - 6 years old

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Sokmai -14 years old

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Roth Somnang (12 year old boy)

Enquire Now

Chheak Virak (7 years old boy)

Cheat Sreyleang (12 years Old)

San Sophanay (11 years Old)

Borin – 9 years old

Thoun Ranan (8 years Old)

PHY (13 years old)

Cheng Kanha (10 years Old)

Kim Eang (10 years Old)

Panha (13 years old boy)

Kim Lyfong (11 years Old)

Pich Bunleap (11 years Old)

Rain Meta (9 years old)

Tach Kanhasophea (7 years Old)

Phart Sophanny (14 years Old)

Rith Channika (10 years Old)

Eng Sreyrong (12 years old)

Seourng Heang (9 years Old)

Sreyheng (9 years old)

Som Veasna (13 years Old)

Namvun (9 years old )

Pich Ratana (10 years Old)

Rath Sreyleak (14 years old girl)

Pich Kimleang (11 years old boy)

Mun Duna (12 years Old)

Chey Chenlong (8 year old boy)

Ranut (11 years old)

Feeding Dreams Education Sponsorship

Support Our Children’s Education at Feeding Dreams Cambodia

Emergency Relief Fund

Provide medical relief to those in critical need.

Feeding Dreams Child Sponsorship Program

Sponsor a child in need.

Change a Life

Feeding Dreams Education Sponsorship

Support Our Children’s Education at Feeding Dreams Cambodia

Emergency Relief Fund

Provide medical relief to those in critical need.

Feeding Dreams Child Sponsorship Program

Sponsor a child in need.